What is my IP address?
Retrieve IP address information programmatically
$ curl ipconfig.io
$ wget -qO- ipconfig.io
$ Invoke-RestMethod -uri https://ipconfig.io/ip
IPv4 or IPv6 can be forced by passing the appropiate flag to your client, e.g curl -4 or curl -6.
Setting the Accept: application/json header works as expected.
Yes. While we've increased server capacity and implemented load balancing, there is rate limiting is in place to ensure a fair service for all.
Please limit automated requests to 1 request per second. No guarantee is made for requests that exceed this limit.
They may be rate-limited, with a 429 status code, or dropped entirely.
$ curl ipconfig.io/country
United States$ curl https://ipconfig.io/city
Ashburn$ curl https://ipconfig.io/asn
AS14618$ curl https://ipconfig.io/port/80
$ curl https://ipconfig.io/json
IP address | |
IP address (decimal) | 308350551 |
Country | United States |
Country (ISO code) | US |
In EU? | false |
Region | Virginia |
Region code | VA |
Metro code | 511 |
Postal code | 20149 |
City | Ashburn |
Latitude | 39.0469 |
Longitude | -77.4903 |
Timezone | America/New_York |
ASN | AS14618 |
ASN (organization) | AMAZON-AES |
Hostname | 18-97-14-87.crawl.commoncrawl.org |
User agent | CCBot/2.0 |
User agent: Comment | (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) |
User agent: Raw | CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) |
This information is provided from the GeoLite2 database created by MaxMind, available from www.maxmind.com